Business Skills for Engineers and Technologists PDF
By:Harry Cather,Richard Morris,Joe Wilkinson
Published on 2001 by Newnes
The scope of Business Skills for Engineers and Technologists is wider than many traditional business texts, including hot topics such as e-commerce, business ethics and law, as well as fully up-to-date coverage of management issues and finance. The interactive style of the book is ideally suited for the study of business and management topics. Rather than focussing solely on management theory, the subjects are explored within real-world engineering contexts through numerous case studies and activities, which bring the content to life and create a highly accessible text for the student reader. The IIE Textbook Series from Butterworth-Heinemann Student-focused textbooks with numerous examples, activities, problems and knowledge-check questions Designed for a wide range of undergraduate courses Real-world engineering examples at the heart of each book Core texts suitable for students with no previous background studying engineering |I am very proud to be able to introduce this series as the fruition of a joint publishing venture between Butterworth-Heinemann and the Institution of Incorporated Engineers. Mechanical Engineering Systems is one of the first three titles in a series of core texts designed to cover the essential modules of a broad cross-section of undergraduate programmes in engineering and technology. These books are designed with today's students firmly in mind, and real-world engineering contexts to the fore - students who are increasingly opting for the growing number of courses that provide the foundation for Incorporated Engineer registration.| --Peter F Wason BSc(Eng) CEng FIEE FIIE FIMechE FIMgt. Secretary and Chief Executive,IIE This essential text is part of the IIE accredited textbook series from Newnes - textbooks to form the strong practical, business and academic foundations for the professional development of tomorrow's incorporated engineers. Content matched to requirements of IIE and other BSc Engineering and Technology courses An essential textbook, providing all the information for student engineers preparing to work in a business environment, including hot topics such as e-commerce and business ethics Student-centred text featuring worked examples, case studies, assignments and knowledge-check questions throughout
This Book was ranked at 39 by Google Books for keyword Skills.
Book ID of Business Skills for Engineers and Technologists's Books is Z2oN-IabX8wC, Book which was written byHarry Cather,Richard Morris,Joe Wilkinsonhave ETAG "SlS2wBi6bzA"
Book which was published by Newnes since 2001 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780750652100 and ISBN 10 Code is 0750652101
Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is true
Book which have "366 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryBusiness and Economics
Book was written in en
eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is true and in ePub is false
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